When Puck Light Not Working or Flashing
Single Light Not Working
1.Swap the Light's Position.
If a single light is not working, try swapping its position with a working light. If the originally non-functioning light still does not light up after the swap, it indicates a problem with the light itself, and it needs to be replaced.
All Lights Not Working or Flashing
1.Remove the Controller: First, remove the controller and connect the power cord to the splitter. If the lights still do not work properly, it may indicate a faulty power supply that needs replacement.
2.Replace the Power Supply: Replace the power supply, if the lights work normally, reconnect the controller for testing. If the problem persists, it suggests that the controller is also faulty and needs to be replaced.
3.Pair with PAIR Button: Turn on the device, press the PAIR button within 5 seconds until the red light flashes, indicating a successful pairing. If the light goes back to normal, the issue is resolved.
When the Remote Control Not Working
1.Check for the Insulating Film: Ensure that the insulating film has been removed from the remote control. If it hasn't been removed, it needs to be taken out.

2.Confirm the Red Light Indicator: Check if the remote control's indicator light is on. If it's not showing a red light, it might need to replace the batteries.

3.Change the Batteries: If the red light doesn't light up, try putting in new batteries.